Racial healing for health

Date & time:
January 17, 2023 3pm EST

Healing from the injustices of racism and other forms of oppression is essential for health equity. Created by the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, the National Day of Racial Healing calls for communities to address racial healing to create a more just and equitable world. Join us and two racial justice champions as we observe this day with our webinar, Racial healing for health. Dr. Nia Aitaoto, interim executive director of the National Association of Pasifika Organizations, will help us understand the impact of settler colonialism on indigenous populations and will share a public health response rooted in community engagement. Tony Watkins, an Albuquerque, New Mexico-based community organizer, will describe his journey to becoming an anti-racism activist. Both guests will share strategies to promote racial healing in any community.

County Health Rankings & Roadmaps will host a one-hour interactive virtual discussion at 4pm ET immediately following the webinar. We encourage you to participate in an engaging dialogue with peers across the country to share your experiences with equity. Mark your calendars and plan to stay as long as you're able.

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