Tools & Resources

69 Resources
Filtered by 2014, 2019, and 2021

Library of Congress website

This government site (from the U.S. Congress) can help you see how far along a federal policy is in its deliberation. State legislatures have similar websites.


Evaluability Assessment

This tool (from United Nations Development Fund for Women) includes a checklist to assess whether your program is ready for evaluation. It is adapted from the Guidance Note on Carrying Out an Evaluability Assessment by the United Nations Development Fund for Women. It can be found in Evaluate Actions...


Equity & Empowerment Lens 2012

The Equity and Empowerment Lens (from Multnomah County Health Department, Portland, OR) is a set of principles, reflective questions, and processes that focuses at the individual, institutional, and systemic levels to improve planning, decision-making, and resource allocation, leading to more racially equitable...


Conducting Surveys

This tool (from Community Tool Box) describe methods for surveying citizens on different topics. It can be found in Assess Needs & Resources under ...


How To Create a Strategy Chart

This tool (from provides a step-by-step process for developing a “campaign roadmap” that can help a group decide what steps to take and when.


Community Organizing Game

This tool (from Organizing Game) teaches the basics of door knocking and helps you practice your skills.


Communicating with Policymakers

This tool (from Academy Health) provides tips for preparing for the challenge of communication with policymakers.